Product Revovery unit
Product recovery systems must meet with ever more stringent efficiency requirements.
Economic efficiency, productivity, improved sustainability of technological processes as well as optimum utilisation of our resources are key challenges for these types of systems.
HYTEC-MT offers optimum solutions which help to minimise losses, recover valuable raw materials or products from exhaust air, and process gas flows.

The benefits:

  1. Recovery of valuable feedstock and product
  2. Significant reduction of waste and flare gas capacities
  3. Reduction of emissions caused by waste gas treatment

Important products and applications include:
  • Ethylene monomer from polyethylene (HDPE, LLDPE, etc.), EO or VAM production
  • Propylene monomer from polypropylene production
  • Solvent (e.g. hexane) from slurry-type HDPE production
  • Alkane recovery in polyethylene production
  • 1.3 butadiene from synthetic rubber production
  • Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) from PVC production
  • Fluoro and chlorohydrocarbons from any related processes
  • Seal gas recovery for rotating machinery     PE Production
  • HYTEC Ethylene Recovery Unit
  • HYTEC Hydrocarbon Recovery Unit    PP Production
  • HYTEC Propylene Recovery Unit
  • HYTEC Nitrogen Recovery Unit       EO/EG Production
  • HYTEC Ethylene Recovery Unit